OLYMPUS Master 2.2 and OLYMPUS Studio 2.3

Enhanced performance for creative photography

Software updates for Olympus cameras

Hamburg, 1 July 2009 – The E-P1 was introduced with a bang in mid June and it is now time for Olympus to follow up with new software releases to ensure all cameras are in top form. OLYMPUS Master 2.2 and OLYMPUS Studio 2.3 enhance the already impressive selection of artistic features as well as adding new functionality to RAW format photography.

New improvements provided by the latest software updates include:

• The ability to develop RAW images shot with the E-P1.
• Enhanced art filter options with the possibility of testing the filters at home rather than when shooting.
• Improved use of e-Portrait and Beauty Fix through possible function and level selection later on a computer.
• A novel Video Editor allowing for movie creation, including HD videos created with the E-P1.

It is easy to get the software for OLYMPUS Master 2.2 and OLYMPUS Studio 2.3. An up-to-date software CD is included with every E-P1 camera while the new versions are also downloadable online for other users at:

If you are already using OLYMPUS Master 2 or a registered version of Studio 2, you can simply use the built-in “Update Software” function to benefit from the improvements.

For questions or additional information, please contact:

Franziska Jorke
Olympus Europa Holding GmbH
Tel.: +49-40-237 73-4759
Email: Franziska.Jorke@Olympus-europa.com

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